About us
Special Needs-Special Spirit helps to provide family support, community education, community activities, advocacy, information, and referral services to children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families. As a 501(c)(3) organization, your support allows us to continue our mission for supporting, educating, and empowering people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.
Our history
Special Needs-Special Spirit was started in 2004 as The Arc of Lowndes County, an advocacy organization and support group. The organization changed its name to Special Needs-Special Spirit in 2014. The history of The Arc dates back to the 1950’s when a small group of parents and other concerned individuals came together to act as voices for change. Like every parent of any child, they wanted more for their children. They wanted their children to lead fulfilling lives out in the community and not shuttered away in dark institutions. It was in that spirit that The Arc was born. We are still dedicated to supporting, empowering and educating people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) and their families. Inclusive of all ages, birth and beyond, the focus of the organization is to educate the general public on subjects that impact people with IDD. Also, to link individuals with needed resources, promote community involvement, and increase social inclusiveness.
The mission of Special Needs-Special Spirit is to search for and seize opportunities to improve the quality of life for people with intellectual and developmental disables and their families.
“No person left behind, everyone is differently and wonderfully made.”
Become a Volunteer
If you are looking for a volunteer opportunity, give us a call at (662) 352-3184, email specialneedsspecialspirit@gmail.com, or contact us on Facebook.
Meet our Board
Norma Jones
Vice President/Program Director
Robin Tate
Not Pictured:
Rice Glover - President
Betty Griffin - Treasurer
Helen Pridmore
Mary Eve Lewis